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TES 4: Oblivion Creatures
Ogres Large humanoid monsters who eat human flesh. They are massive
opponents which can pack a hard punch, but they have little to no
intelligence whatsoever, which is their main downfall and the reason why
they attack in small numbers and use poor strategies. It can
easily be fooled and should be approached only through ranged weapons to
avoid their pure melee strength.
Trolls There are 3 types of trolls in Tamriel, but the most
common is the brown troll which has an ape-like appearance and is very
athletic and fast, but they are moderately weak and can easily be killed
with several hits, but make sure the battle is quick and fast, because
they can regenerate at a amazing rate, making your attacks useless.
Be sure to torch its body to prevent the troll from coming back to life.
Minotaurs These are large, intelligent and dangerous opponents
which fight either with their hands or wielding weapons. They
are amongst the most dangerous and strongest opponents you will face in
the Imperial Province, if you aren't well prepared to face this
adversary, it is best to flee.
Land Dreugh Ancient half-man half-spider creature, originally
aquatic, but all Dreughs go through a land dwelling period in their
lives, called Karvinasim, during this period they can grow up to 4 times
their original size and have serious deformations from their original
shape which was more octopus-like. Never the less, these monsters
are deadly, it is wise to not underestimate them and be prepared
whenever you face one. Can be damaged with any type of weapon.
Spriggans Powerful and elusive creatures, Spriggans are amongst
the most common creatures met in the Ninbenay Valley and in the the
south-eastern borders of Blackwood. They are social creatures and
are known to attack in up to 2 or 3 numbers, but can easily be defeated
with fire magic. However, though they are moderately powerful,
they are known to resurrect several times, so, unless you you kill them
times, don't be surprised if it comes back to get you.
Goblins Possibly one of the most common met monsters in the Central
Province of Tamriel, though they are physically weak and aren't very
bright, they are social and often form clans led by Goblin Chieftains.
Well know for their crafting, goblins are capable of making traps,
armour and weapons.
Skeletons Weak form of undead, found anywhere evil lurks. These undead
creatures are amongst the most weakest adversaries you will meet,
however they are often found in large numbers, composing of different
member groups, such has archers, warriors and often mages. They
are vulnerable to any form of attack, so you don't need enchanted weapons
or magic for these guys.
Zombies Reanimated bodies of fallen adventurers, they are brought
back to life to serve their necromantic masters and NO! they don't eat
brains, unless they have a weird necromancer who would order them to (go
figure). They are a very weak form of undead, but they are still
feared, for they can inflict a terrible disease to anybody who doesn't
keep his distance. Can be damaged with any type of weapon.
Ghosts These undead creatures come in many varieties, from the
moderately powerful ghostly spirit, to the invincible spell-casting
wraith. They are immune to physical damage so it's best that you strike
only with magic or enchanted weapons. Not all ghosts or wraiths
are potential enemies, some might even send you on a quest for them,
like finding out who murdered them and why.
Lich An extremely powerful undead. A lich is a spell caster who
seeks to defy death by magical means. The lich converts themselves into
an undead state by means of necromancy, which offers them the immortal
life, but traps them into a decaying dead body. During these long years,
they dedicate their time studying the dark arts of necromancy and
eventually become mad and evil from the changes in the world. They
eventually become powerful spell casters of immense intelligence.
Almost all weapons are ineffective towards them, except mythril and
enchanted weapons.
Scamps One of the weakest beings of Oblivion. Servants of the Daedric
God of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon, they are cowardly creatures of
little intellect, but they can be very annoying when in large numbers.
As a Daedra it requires enchanted weapons or weapons forged from
valuable metals such has silver or mythril to do them harm.
Dremora Intelligent, Sophisticated and Powerful. These are the
knights of Oblivion and the strongest form of Daedric minions you will
ever encounter, they posses numerous combat capabilities, from wielding
giant Daedric weapons, to casting powerful and crippling spells.
Proud of their reputation, these monsters serve the Daedric god of
destruction, Mehrunes Dagon and are pleased to attend to his will of
violence, destruction and chaos. Word to the wise: never, ever, attack a Dremora from a level lower than 20.
Imp Small and relatively intelligent, Imps are the least evil of all Daedra. They are described as dark, shadowy creatures, while mischievous
and somewhat destructive, they aren't a really dangerous adversary and
can easily be defeated with the use of a mythril or silver weapon,
however, they are capable of casting spells, so don't underestimate
their abilities.
Deadroth The word "Deadroth" is actually the singular form for Daedra.
Known has lesser Daedras, these fire-breathing, large reptilian monsters
serve the Daedric lord of Enslavement, Molag Bal and are weaker then
most of the other Daedric minions, but they still maintaining a terrible
reputation for their melee combat and spell casting powers. It is best
to use mythril or silver against them, magic weapons never hurt either.
Clanfear Small lizard-like creatures, Clanfears are amongst the
most common encountered Daedras of Oblivion, they are slightly intelligent and
often attack in large numbers. Don't be fooled by their size and
their weak appearance, these servants of Mehrunes Dagon are very
dangerous and can pack a awful punch to unprepared adventures, though
they don't cast spells or use any form of magic. Their hearts are
generally hunted for alchemy and magic purposes.